Interview with BBD

Mandy Bo
When u were growing up in Windsor where was your spot to escape to when u wanted to think about your life?
I had a park near my house growing up close to the water. I would sit on the swings there for hours and think, or just swing on the swings at the beach. I never wanted to leave.
Who was the first country artist you can remember hearing for the first time?
Haha I was obsessed with Achy Breaky Heart by Billy Ray Cyrus to the point that one day I was singing it at the top of my lungs while riding my bike and not paying any attention, I crashed in the side of my house. I forgot to turn. I had a giant bleeding gash in my forehead. That’s how I got my first stitches.

Thanx for that Billy Ray Cyrus. Lol
Top five of Mandy Bo’s favourite female artists?
Easy…Sia, Adel, Amy Winehouse, Etta James and Christina Aguilera.

What was the first musical instrument you first started playing?
My voice, then guitar. Vocals have always been my focus though.

What was your very first concert you went to?
Haha omg…Brittney Spears with my cousin Alicia and Aunt Jen. It was awesome. Another mom with this tiny little girl almost got in a fight with my aunt and she threw her gum at Jen. Crazy.

Do you play events back home now that your living in Toronto?
I am organizing a Summer In-home (or House) Concert Tour and I am really looking forward to doing my first shows in Windsor.
What was the hardest hurdle you have had to jump over?
Definitely raising funds. I have all these plans in place and an amazing team of talented people to work with but music is extremely expensive to do. Like any business, it requires a lot of investment in time and money up front. My last EP cost me 10k to make. So, that’s why I’m doing a PledgeMusic campaign right now, to fund the next steps in my career. The industry isn’t like it used to be. Labels and management don’t invest in developing artist anymore. I completely rely on the support of my friends, family, fans and self.
Who has been your biggest support in your life?
In the beginning and for a long time…it was just me. I had a lot of people against me actually. But now that the music is out there and people are starting to get to know me, I have more support than I ever dreamed. I get emails and messages everyday from people all around the world that just melt my heart and I’m so thankful.

Any people you want to give a shoutout to?
Yes!! Everyone who has pledged to pre-order the new album on PledgeMusic.
And also bought tickets to the June show. You guys are my rock. I couldn’t keep doing this without you. The fact that you believe in me enough to share your hard earned money with me and trust me is more than anyone could ever ask for. I’m honoured.
What is your favourite quote?
I have so many but right now… I recently came up with one to help keep me guided in my singing and life and it is, “Dont worry about being perfect, just be honest”.